Nutrition for elderly

Posted in nickbhuya | 7:09 AM | | 0 comment »

Healthy eating and nutrition of the elderly is seriously affected by several factors, one of them be a change in body composition. During the years later in life, the body loses bone and muscle and fat gain because the hormones are not already very active.

There are many factors that are an obstacle for the elderly One health. The following information may help to a healthy life - no matter how old you can be.

The water in the body declines with age, many elderly People are easily dehydrated. Sometimes Who does not feel thirsty, another time, it is
too much work for a glass of water. With this in mind, it is recommended to drink at least 1 ounces of water for every 2 / 2 pound of weight.

During this phase of life, the protein is very important. Proteins are needed to support a healthy immune system muscular system and prevent waste. Since energy requirements are less, older people should consume high the quality of protein such as eggs, lean meat, poulty, and fish.

Carbohydrates and food fiber
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for whole body. Here you will find carbohydrates in bread, Cereals, pasta, cereals and other products. A diet high in fiber help and water to prevent constipation.

Grease for the elderly should be limited, not eliminated. You can change the fat of lean meat, low-fat dairy products, food and preparation
the methods that do not fry.

For the elderly, iron deficiency may be those who are not eating much. Good sources Iron include lean red meat or cereal breakfast.

The contribution of zinc is mostly the elderly, and Worse, it is not very well absorbed either. Meat, poultry, fish and part their diet so that you meet the conditions for Zinc.

Calcium is an element that most elderly are simply not enough. Most believe that the milk had changed his stomach, and therefore
avoided. These should be around 1500 mg of calcium per day, and nonfat milk used in recipes as a substitute for milk. Other foods such as yogurt, low-fat cheese and broccoli can also help meet the needs of calcium.

Vitamin B12
To enjoy the B12, the intrinsic facotr must be in the stomach. Most elderly people, people suffer from a lack of B12 because have a condition known as atrophic gastritis. This condition causes inflammation of the stomach, About bacterial growth and intrinsic factor. Without intrinsic factor, vitamin D may absorbed.

Each of these nutrients are necessary for a corps of age in good health. Elderly should try to stay active and fight for good balanced diet. Although the body is not age how they are used, care and the right the nutrients can help the elderly enjoy good health and long life.

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