Vegetarianism and ph miracle diet

Posted in nickbhuya | 8:19 AM | | 0 comment »

Vegetarianism and the pH Miracle diet is a program to restore the balance in the body by eating food alkaline. The cells are slightly alkaline and alkaline food consumption that your body can be the natural role. In addition to the consumption of food alkalinization, Dr. Robert Young, creator of food, also recommends that the acidification of foods such as meat, wheat and dairy products. Those who want better health, according to Dr. Young, should be vegetarians.

The standard American diet is not alkaline and is certainly not a vegetarian. Animal protein is one of the pillars of the majority of the population in the diet. However, the need for animal protein is not.

There is a prevailing belief in society that consumes large amounts of protein promotes good health and in particular physical fitness. Above all, men are supposed to eat large quantities of meat have the strength and vitality. This myth has prevailed in the history of so many memory. At the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists began to suspect that the meat they eat as physical strength, especially in the sports world. This belief specifically, the connection between sport and proteins, was one of the driving forces of meat consumption over the past 100 years.

Currently, the office of the need for protein is actually much less than many think. There are many sources of protein for vegetarians, which is alkaline, and pH regime in May miracle.

But why the issue does not explicitly prohibit the animal protein? Animal protein such as meat, eggs and dairy products have acidifying effects on the body. These effects are also common, if they do not consume organic meat. The consumption of processed meats May Expose conventional hormones, drugs and other chemicals, animals before they are killed. There are no conclusive studies on the safety of hormones, but there are risks involved. The animals are routinely given antibiotics, which would increase their consumption of antibiotics and bacteria in the body. The reduction of these bacteria May be more useful metabolic acid in your system and create catastrophic effects on health.

The elements meat, good for you (proteins, vitamins and minerals) are available from vegetarian sources without all the dangers. Only a cup of tofu, alkalinization a source of protein, 20 grams of protein. The man or woman needs less than 40 grams per day. Protein can be easily filled with acid without meat to eat.

Make the shift to vegetarianism is more mental for a physical battle. The body is much more effective without the presence of the acidification of animal protein. Meat consumption is a habit and benefits of food spreads a cultural myth. There is no physical need for meat. The most difficult to remove from your diet will be opening our eyes to the multitude of new food products to replace meat.

When the pH miracle food, you will notice that the young doctor recommends a balance of 70% Food 30% alkaline and acid foods. This means that there is room for eating acidic foods on the list. Although it is tempting May to eat animal proteins in this 30%, your body is in better balance, if you're looking for something that is only slightly acidic, such as eggs, flour oats or pasta, meat, instead of very sour.

For a vegetarian diet in the pH miracle is certainly their choice. However, we need their health to start reducing the amount of animal protein in their diet.

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