Healthy holiday eating, When the holidays arrive, many people forget all the about their diet and a healthy diet. Weight revenues from 7 to 10 pounds are common between halloween and Christmas. To make the holidays easier, these tips will help you with a sound food through the season and not gain weight.

Most traditional foods maybe low in fat. Turkey is very lean, skin and salsa can be made without fat. Potatoes are served without butter can be very healthy. The pumpkin pie loved nutritious, but can be transformed into a dessert by adding fat whipped cream.

Although the holidays are not forgotten the year. Maintenance of weight during the summer season, off the supplementary firing calories. You need to schedule a walk after meals, park farther from shops in stock, and take a few walks in the first mail start your shopping.

During holidays and family dinners, feel free to sample, but not food high prices. Decide what happens to eat advance and then stick to your plan. Eat plenty vegetables, fruit, low fat dressing, and slices of lean meat. Before going to a party, eat a small snack to help curb your appetite.

If possible, avoid alcohol. After too many drinks can paralyze its will to power, and also add excess calories in food. In instead of alcohol, drink water with lemon. Water can help reduce your appetite and of binging. Also, be sure to avoid eggnog, since each glass can contain up to 300 calories.

Be flexible with healthy foods, like a bad the food is not ruin your diet. Try your balance calories for a couple of days and not just watch a meal or a day.

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