About Me

Posted in nickbhuya | 10:33 PM

My name is Bayu Setiawan, you can call me Bhuya, born 16 July 1984. I’am from Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Kalimantan is also called Borneo. It’s one of the provinces in Indonesia. Nowadays, I’m learning in Merdeka University Malang majoring Information Technology. And now i’m focused on learning about blog. I also take the time to learn internet marketing in AsianBrain.IMC with Anne Ahira, She was a famous internet marketer in Indonesia.

As a beginner. this blog dedicated to my teacher Anne Ahira, who has taught me how to be an Internet Marketer, I hope to be one of the Internet Marketer in Indonesia. I don’t forget to say thanks for all my friends Abers, who have support and help to me during the training in the Asian Brain IMC. Thank You All

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